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Security Tips for your Windows PC

The basic rule of thumb for a Windows PC is to make sure that you keep your operating system and software upto date, if you don't then you might be opening yourself up to potential threats. If you are running Windows XP you should already be running Service Pack 2. To read more and for some handy tips click here.

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) has had many security issues and it is the most widely used web browser in the Windows PC arena. Ideally you should familiarise yourself with the concept of Internet Zones, Trusted Sites and the security settings within IE.
To read more click here.

If you don't trust the website or something just doesn't feel right - don't do it! Don't click on anything if you are unsure.

5 Step Programme - Maintenance for your Windows PC

There are some basic steps that performed on your machine once a month will help keep your PC in tip top condition. We all have busy lives, but spending a little time each month performing some general "house keeping" on your computer will pay off in the long run.
To read more click here.

Spyware Phishing and Pharming

You might have heard the latest media buzzwords but what are Spyware, Phishing and Pharming? You are probably familiar with the term "Spyware" or "Malware" which are pieces of software that may cause a security risk to your confidential information.
For more information click here.

Inside Track

If you have questions or queries regarding the contents of this article then please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help you with your query. Alternatively post a contact request on the website at

Some useful software products can be found click here

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